Package-level declarations
Create a InitialValueFlow of after text change events on the TextView instance.
Create a InitialValueFlow of before text change events on the TextView instance.
Create a InitialValueFlow of change events on the SeekBar instance.
Create a InitialValueFlow of checked state changes on the CompoundButton instance where the value emitted is whether the CompoundButton is currently checked.
Create a InitialValueFlow of checked state change events on the RadioButton instance where the value emitted is the currently checked radio button id, or -1 when the selection is cleared.
Create a InitialValueFlow of data change events on the Adapter instance.
Create a Flow of dismiss events on the AutoCompleteTextView instance.
Create a Flow of dismiss events on the PopupMenu instance.
Create a Flow of editor action events on the TextView instance.
Create a Flow of item click events on the AdapterView instance.
Create a Flow of item click events on the AutoCompleteTextView instance.
Create a Flow of item clicks on the AdapterView instance where the value emitted is the position of the item clicked.
Create a Flow of item clicked events on the PopupMenu instance where the value emitted is the clicked menu item.
Create a Flow of item long click events on the AdapterView instance.
Create a Flow of item long clicks on the AdapterView instance where the value emitted is the position of the item clicked.
Create a InitialValueFlow of item selections on the AdapterView instance where the value emitted is the selected position, or AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION if nothing is selected.
Create a InitialValueFlow of progress changes on the SeekBar instance where the value emitted is the current progress.
Create a InitialValueFlow of query text changes on the SearchView instance where the value emitted is latest query text.
Create a InitialValueFlow of query text events on the SearchView instance where the value emitted is one of the 2 event types: QueryTextEvent.QueryChanged, QueryTextEvent.QuerySubmitted
Create a InitialValueFlow of rating change events on the RatingBar instance.
Create a InitialValueFlow of rating changes on the RatingBar instance where the value emitted is the current rating.
Create a Flow of scroll events on the AbsListView instance.
Create a InitialValueFlow of item selection events on the AdapterView instance where the value emitted is one of the 2 event types: AdapterViewSelectionEvent.ItemSelected, AdapterViewSelectionEvent.NothingSelected
Create a InitialValueFlow of text change events on the TextView instance.
Create a InitialValueFlow of text changes on the TextView instance where the value emitted is the current text.