Package-level declarations


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data class MaterialButtonCheckedChangedEvent(@IdRes val checkedId: Int, val checked: Boolean)
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data class RangeSliderChangeEvent(val rangeSlider: RangeSlider, val values: List<Float>, val fromUser: Boolean)
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data class SliderChangeEvent(val slider: Slider, val value: Float, val fromUser: Boolean)
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sealed class SliderTouchEvent
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Create a Flow of bottom sheet slided events on the View instance with a BottomSheetBehavior where the value emitted is the slide offset.

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Create a Flow of bottom sheet state change events on the View instance with a BottomSheetBehavior where the value emitted can be one of STATE_DRAGGING, STATE_SETTLING}, STATE_EXPANDED, STATE_COLLAPSED, STATE_HIDDEN or STATE_HALF_EXPANDED.

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Create a Flow of material button checked state change events on the MaterialButtonToggleGroup instance.

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fun <S> MaterialDatePicker<S>.cancels(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of cancel events on the MaterialDatePicker instance. This emits when the user cancels the picker via back button or a touch outside the view. It does not emit when the user clicks the cancel button. To get a Flow of using clicking the cancel button, use the MaterialDatePicker.negativeButtonClicks() binding.

fun MaterialTimePicker.cancels(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of cancel events on the MaterialTimePicker instance. This emits when the user cancels the picker via back button or a touch outside the view. It does not emit when the user clicks the cancel button. To get a Flow of using clicking the cancel button, use the MaterialTimePicker.negativeButtonClicks() binding.

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Create a InitialValueFlow of change events on the RangeSlider instance.

Create a InitialValueFlow of change events on the Slider instance.

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fun MaterialButton.checkedChanges(): Flow<Boolean>

Create a Flow of material button checked state change events on the MaterialButton instance where the value emitted is whether the button is currently checked.

Create a InitialValueFlow of checked state changes on the MaterialCardView instance where the value emitted is whether the MaterialCardView is currently checked.

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Create a InitialValueFlow of chip checked state change events on the ChipGroup instance where the value emitted is the currently checked chip id, or View#NO_ID when selection is cleared.

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fun Chip.closeIconClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of close icon click events on the Chip instance.

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Create a Flow of dismissed events on the View instance with a SwipeDismissBehavior where the value emitted is the view dismissed. The View's layoutParams must be of the type CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams, and the layoutParams's behavior must be a SwipeDismissBehavior.

fun <S> MaterialDatePicker<S>.dismisses(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of dismiss events on the MaterialDatePicker instance. This emits whenever the underlying DialogFragment is dismissed, no matter how it is dismissed.

fun MaterialTimePicker.dismisses(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of dismiss events on the MaterialTimePicker instance. This emits whenever the underlying DialogFragment is dismissed, no matter how it is dismissed.

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fun Snackbar.dismissEvents(): Flow<Int>

Create a Flow of dismiss events on the Snackbar instance where the value emitted can be one of the DISMISS_EVENT_* events from

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fun TextInputLayout.endIconClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of clicked events on the TextInputLayout instance's end icon.

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fun TextInputLayout.endIconLongClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of long clicked events on the TextInputLayout instance's end icon.

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fun TextInputLayout.errorIconClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of clicked events on the TextInputLayout instance's error icon.

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fun TextInputLayout.errorIconLongClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of long clicked events on the TextInputLayout instance's error icon.

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fun BottomNavigationView.itemReselections(): Flow<MenuItem>

Create a Flow of item reselected events on the BottomNavigationView instance where the value emitted is the currently selected menu item.

fun NavigationBarView.itemReselections(): Flow<MenuItem>

Create a Flow of item reselected events on the NavigationBarView instance where the value emitted is the currently selected menu item.

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fun BottomNavigationView.itemSelections(): Flow<MenuItem>

Create a Flow of item selected events on the BottomNavigationView instance where the value emitted is the currently selected menu item.

fun NavigationBarView.itemSelections(): Flow<MenuItem>

Create a Flow of item selected events on the NavigationBarView instance where the value emitted is the currently selected menu item.

fun NavigationView.itemSelections(): Flow<MenuItem>

Create a Flow of item selected events on the NavigationView instance where the value emitted is the currently selected menu item.

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fun <S> MaterialDatePicker<S>.negativeButtonClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of negative button click events on the MaterialDatePicker instance when the user clicks the cancel button.

fun MaterialTimePicker.negativeButtonClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of negative button click events on the MaterialTimePicker instance when the user clicks the cancel button.

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fun AppBarLayout.offsetChanges(): Flow<Int>

Create a Flow of offset changed events on the AppBarLayout instance where the value emitted is the verticalOffset of the AppBarLayout.

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fun <S> MaterialDatePicker<S>.positiveButtonClicks(): Flow<S>

Create a Flow of positive button click events on the MaterialDatePicker instance when the user confirms a valid selection, where the value emitted is the selection made.

fun MaterialTimePicker.positiveButtonClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of positive button click events on the MaterialTimePicker instance when the user confirms a valid selection, where the value emitted is the selection made.

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fun Snackbar.shownEvents(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of shown events on the Snackbar instance.

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fun TextInputLayout.startIconClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of clicked events on the TextInputLayout instance's start icon.

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fun TextInputLayout.startIconLongClicks(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of long clicked events on the TextInputLayout instance's start icon.

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Create a Flow of drag state change events on the View instance with a SwipeDismissBehavior where the value emitted can be one of STATE_IDLE, STATE_DRAGGING} or STATE_SETTLING.

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Create a Flow of tab selection events on the TabLayout instance where the value emitted is one of the 3 event types: TabLayoutSelectionEvent.TabSelected, TabLayoutSelectionEvent.TabReselected, TabLayoutSelectionEvent.TabUnselected

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Create a Flow of touch events on the RangeSlider instance.

Create a Flow of touch events on the Slider instance.

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Create a InitialValueFlow of value change events on the Slider instance where the value emitted is the current value of the Slider.

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Create a InitialValueFlow of values change events on the RangeSlider instance where the value emitted is the current value of the RangeSlider.