Package-level declarations


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data class FlingEvent(val view: RecyclerView, val velocityX: Int, val velocityY: Int)
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data class RecyclerViewScrollEvent(val view: RecyclerView, val dx: Int, val dy: Int)


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Create a Flow of child attach state change events on the RecyclerView instance where the value emitted is one of the 2 event types: RecyclerViewChildAttachStateChangeEvent.Attached, RecyclerViewChildAttachStateChangeEvent.Detached

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fun RecyclerView.flingEvents(handled: (FlingEvent) -> Boolean = { true }): Flow<FlingEvent>

Create a Flow of fling events on the RecyclerView instance.

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Create a Flow of scroll events on the RecyclerView instance.

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Create a Flow of scroll state change events on the RecyclerView instance where the value emitted can be one of SCROLL_STATE_IDLE, SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING} or SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING.