Package-level declarations


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data class LayoutChangeEvent(val view: View, val left: Int, val top: Int, val right: Int, val bottom: Int, val oldLeft: Int, val oldTop: Int, val oldRight: Int, val oldBottom: Int)
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data class ScrollChangeEvent(val view: View, val scrollX: Int, val scrollY: Int, val oldScrollX: Int, val oldScrollY: Int)
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sealed class ViewAttachEvent


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Create a Flow of action view events on the MenuItem instance where the value emitted is one of the 2 event types: MenuItemActionViewEvent.Collapse, MenuItemActionViewEvent.Expand

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Create a Flow of view attach events on the View instance where the value emitted is one of the 2 event types: ViewAttachEvent.Attached, ViewAttachEvent.Detached

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Create a Flow of click events on the View instance.

fun MenuItem.clicks(handled: (MenuItem) -> Boolean = { true }): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of click events on the MenuItem instance.

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fun View.drags(handled: (DragEvent) -> Boolean = { true }): Flow<DragEvent>

Create a Flow of drag events on the View instance.

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fun View.draws(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of draw events on the View instance.

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Create a InitialValueFlow of focus changed events on the View instance, where the value emitted indicates whether the View has focus.

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fun View.globalLayouts(): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of global layout events on the View instance.

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Create a Flow of view group hierarchy change events on the ViewGroup instance where the value emitted is one of the 2 event types: HierarchyChangeEvent.ChildAdded, HierarchyChangeEvent.ChildRemoved

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fun View.hovers(handled: (MotionEvent) -> Boolean = { true }): Flow<MotionEvent>

Create a Flow of hover events on the View instance.

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fun View.keys(handled: (KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { true }): Flow<KeyEvent>

Create a Flow of key events on the View instance.

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Create a Flow of view layout change events on the View instance.

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Create a Flow which emits on view layout changes.

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Create a Flow of long click events on the View instance.

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fun View.preDraws(proceedDrawingPass: () -> Boolean): Flow<Unit>

Create a Flow of pre-draw events on the View instance.

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Create a Flow of scroll change events on the View instance.

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Create a Flow of system UI visibility change events on the View instance where the value emitted is one of the following: View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE, View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION, View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN

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fun View.touches(handled: (MotionEvent) -> Boolean = { true }): Flow<MotionEvent>

Create a Flow of touch events on the View instance.