Robot assertions for performing common view assertions.
Check if the activity of type A has been launched.
Check if the background drawable associated with resourceId is displayed.
Check if a dialog with buttonTextResId as the button 1 label is displayed.
Check if a dialog with buttonTextResId as the button 2 label is displayed.
Check if a dialog with buttonTextResId as the button 3 label is displayed.
Check if a dialog with the title of a string associated with titleResId is displayed.
Check if a dialog with the title expected is displayed.
Check if the drawable associated with resourceId is displayed.
Check if the drawer associated with drawerId is closed.
Check if the drawer associated with drawerId is opened.
Check if the foreground drawable associated with resourceId is displayed.
Check if the fragment of type F with a navigation host associated with navHostViewId is displayed.
Check if the edit text associated with viewId has an email input type.
Check if the navigation bar view associated with navigationBarViewResId has selectedItemResId as the selected item.
Check if no activity is currently displayed
Check if the radio group associated with radioGroupId has the button with buttonText selected.
Check if the radio group associated with radioGroupId has NO selection.
Check if the radio group associated with radioGroupId has some selections.
Check if the radio group associated with radioGroupId has buttonTexts as the labels of the radio buttons.
Check if the recycler view associated with recyclerViewId has the size of size.
Check if a snackbar with text as message is displayed.
Check if all texts associated with textResIds are displayed.
Check if all texts are displayed.
Check if text input layout associated with viewId has errorMessage as the error.
Check if text input layout associated with viewId has string associated with errorMessageResId as the error.
Check if the text input layout associated with viewId has NO error.
Check if no views associated with textResIds is displayed.
Check if none of texts is displayed.
Check if the current Toolbar has a subtitle of a string associated with subtitleTextResId.
Check if the current Toolbar has a title of a string associated with titleTextResId.
Check if the checkable view associated with viewId is checked.
Check if the view associated with viewId is clickable.
Check if the view associated with viewId is disabled.
Check if all views associated with viewIds are displayed.
Check if the view associated with viewId is enabled.
Check if the view associated with viewId has a hint that equals to the string associated with messageResId.
Check if the view associated with viewId has string associated with messageResId text.
Check if the checkable view associated with viewId is NOT checked.
Check if the view associated with viewId is NOT clickable.
Check if all views associated with viewIds are NOT displayed.
Check if all views associated with viewIds are not present in the view hierarchy.